Norrbotten, Sweden is a key area of Europe for future exploration and mining. To establish age relations for magmatic activity and metamorphic overprinting in this area, the sampled rock was selected (Fig. 1, 2, 21). This rock occurs at Linavare as mega-xenoliths of strongly deformed, foliated, recrystallised and low-radiation metagranite in massive subvolcanic granite to rhyolite porphyry that was age determined to 1870 ± 6 Ma, giving a lower age of the high-grade metamorphic event (this issue). The age of the regional metamorphic event may be deduced from the age of these two rocks, occurring between their igneous crystallisation ages. Determine the magmatic age of the metagranite is the main aim and if the zircon display metamorphic rims or overgrowths, these should be studied too.