The Camenellan tommotiid Lapworthella bornholmiensis is systematically revised based on the original type material and collections of Small Shelly Fossils at the Swedish Museum of Natural History. The species is clearly differentiated from all other species of Lapworthella by its unique surface ornamentation. Variability in sclerite shape is analyzed among the 39 specimens and four sclerite morphotypes are recognized: bilaterally subsymmetrical A sclerites with straight apertural margin and subrectangular to subelliptical cross-section; asymmetrical B sclerites with oblique to curved apertural margin and subrectangular to subelliptical cross-section; asymmetrical C sclerites with one concave surface resulting in elliptical to sub-triangular cross section; elongated asymmetrical D sclerites with subcircular cross section. The C sclerites are further divided into two sub-types. The sclerite morphotypes of Lapworthella bornholmiensis allow a detailed comparison with other lapworthellid taxa and we identify a pattern of recurring sclerite morphotypes across a range of species, allowing a new understanding of the lapworthellid scleritome structure. The stratigraphic range of Lapworthella bornholmiensis includes the Cambrian Stage 4 Gislöv Formation, the Wuliuan-Drumian Forsemölla and Exsulans Limestones in the Alum Shale Formation and Guzhangian limestone fill in Proterozoic basement fissures in Bohuslän, making this long ranging species the youngest known tommotiid in the fossil record.