Since the establishment of spore-pollen analysis as a method for biostratigraphic subdivision of Mesozoic rocks in Ukraine, several schools have undertaken palynological research since the middle of the 20th century. Palynologists M.I. Ustynovska, T.B. Hubkyna, N.N. Zhuhan, S.Y. Yehorova, H.Y. Ivankevych, O.Z. Isahulova, Y.V. Semenova, R.O. Rotman, and N.S. Kyrvel worked at the Kyiv school (central Ukraine); L.A. Portnyahina, H.A. Orlova-Turchyna, N.Y. Teslya, M.I. Burova, M.E. Ohorodnik, and A.S. Andreeva-Grigorovich carried out research in the Lviv school (western Ukraine); and A.K. Kruzina, A.A. Mikhelis among others worked in the Artemivsk school (eastern Ukraine). The scientific works of M.A. Voronova are basic analyses of the spores-pollen assemblages of the Lower Cretaceous. From 1963 to 2002, M.A. Voronova established the basic methodological principles of palynological research on Lower Cretaceous strata of Ukraine and elucidated important issues concerning the emergence of angiosperms, migration and evolution of the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous flora of ferns, developed criteria for palaeolandscape reconstructions and palaeo-weathering. G.G. Janowska focused on the palynostratigraphy of the Jurassic deposits of Crimea and Preddobrudzha. In 1952–1953, for the first time, G.V. Shramkova and A.M. Laptyeva carried out a detailed biostratigraphic division of the Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Dnieper-Donetsk Basin and the north-western Donbass with the help of spore-pollen analysis. E.V. Semenova characterized the Triassic and Lower Jurassic deposits of the Donbas and the Dnieper-Donetsk Basin.Despite the significant contributions of Ukrainian palynologists to the study of Mesozoic sediments, many problems remain that need to be addressed. Today, at the Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine biostratigraphic subdivision and correlation of Mesozoic strata using palynological analysis is carried out by O.A. Shevchuk and student D.O. Pustovoitova. A comprehensive approach to the study of microresidues from Jurassic and Cretaceous samples are covered in the dissertation of O.A. Shevchuk “Stratigraphy of the Middle Jurassic–Cretaceous of Ukraine on microfossils” 2021 and in other publications. The main groups that we have studied and that are important for stratigraphy are spores and pollen, megaspores and dinocysts, along with dispersed cuticles, tracheids, remnants of structured wood, green algae (prasinophytes and Botryococcus), fungi, insects, animal body parts, acritarchs, microforaminifera, microsclerites, scolecodonts, bacteria, sclerenchyma and pseudomicrofossils. We apply a comprehensive approach to the study of microfossils, which provides a broader understanding of the palaeogeographical conditions of the region of Ukraine in the Mesozoic. The effectiveness of complex palynological studies of marine and continental Mesozoic deposits of Ukraine for stratigraphic purposes is substantiated by their application to hydrogeology and hydrocarbon exploration.
Stockholm, Sweden: Swedish Museum of Natural History , 2022. , p. 156-157p. 156-157