Classifications of the pantropical plant family Sapotaceae based solely on morphology have historically recognized be- tween 125 and 53 genera. Phylogenetic analyses using molecular data have repeatedly demonstrated that broad concepts of two large genera belonging to subfamily Chrysophylloideae, Chrysophyllum and Pouteria, are untenable and their narrowed delimitations have restricted them to the Neotropics. A recent phylogenetic study proposed further amendments by resurrecting the genera Achrouteria, Cornuella, Lucuma, Martiusella, Nemaluma, Prieurella and Ragala, and questioned the status of three generally accepted genera, Chromolucuma, Pradosia and Sarcaulus. We test this suggested classification using expanded sampling that comprises 122 terminals, including material of 29 of the 34 name-bringing species for generic names historically regarded as synonyms of Chrysophyllum and Pouteria. We used sequence data from ribosomal nrDNA (ETS, ITS), the nuclear gene RPB2, two cpDNA spacers (petN-psbM, trnH- psbA), and indel information to estimate phylogenetic relationships in a Bayesian framework using BEAST. All sequences were newly realigned to test reproducibility, and 26 morphological characters were mapped on the resulting tree. Our analyses recovered three African genera embedded within a large Neotropical clade of Chrysophylloideae. We found strong support for the reinstatement of the seven genera listed above as well as for four other genera, viz. Chloroluma, Englerella, Labatia, and Peteniodendron. This sub- sequently leads to further amendments of Chrysophyllum and Pouteria, which are now limited to include 25–30 and 7 species, respec- tively. However, one clade that includes many name-bringing lineages largely corresponds to Pouteria s.l., a group that needs further phylogenetic research to unravel relationships and generic limits. The hypothesis that Chrysophyllum cuneifolium had an inter- continental hybrid origin involving genomes from Africa and South America is rejected because it is shown to have been based on erroneous results obtained from a contaminated DNA aliquot. A total of 73 genera are currently recognised in Sapotaceae, 21 of which are Neotropical members of Chrysophylloideae. We update the nomenclature and synonymy of 75 species, make 36 new com- binations, and designate lectotypes for 31 names.
2023. Vol. 72, p. 307-359