According to most sources, the type locality for the hydrous iron silicate mineral hisingerite is Riddarhyttan, Västmanland, Sweden, first reported in 1828. However, it was described by A.F. Cronstedt as early as 1751 from Väster Silvberg, Dalarna (under the name “kolspeglande järnmalm”), and in 1810 by W. Hisinger from the Gillinge iron mine, Södermanland (“svart stenart”, later “gillingit”). J. Berzelius introduced the presently valid species name (originally spelt “hisingrit”) in 1819. Potential type materials are preserved by the Swedish Museum of Natural History, from Gillinge and Riddarhyttan. A Hisinger specimen from Gillinge has recently been analysed and was shown to contain associated potassic-hastingsite, magnetite and fayalite that explain the previously observed aluminium contents and high density for “gillingit”, compared to pure hisingerite