Petrology, geochronology and bulk-rock chemistry are combined to investigate the early Neoproterozoic magmatismand Cambrian–Ordovician metamorphism in the northern Swedish Caledonides. This work includes several lithologies of theMårma terrane in the Seve Nappe Complex exposed in the Kebnekaise region. U–Pb zircon geochronology yielded crystallizationages of 835 ± 8 Ma for a mylonitic orthogneiss, 864 ± 3 Ma for the Vistas Granite and 840 ± 7 Ma for an intruded granitic dyke,whereas a gabbro and a granodiorite intrusion gave U–Pb zircon crystallization ages of 856 ± 3 Ma and 850 ± 1 Ma, respectively.U–Pb monazite dating of the mylonitic orthogneiss gave an upper intercept age of 841 ± 7 Ma and a lower intercept age of443 ± 20 Ma. Pressure–temperature estimates derived for the mylonitic orthogneiss reveal metamorphic peak-pressure and peaktemperatureof 10.5–11.75 kbar and 550–610°C and 7.4–8.1 kbar at 615–675°C, respectively.Metamorphic pressure–temperatureestimates for the Vistas Granite yield 6.5–7.5 kbar at 600–625°C. Whole-rock chemistry coupled with U–Pb geochronologyindicates that bimodal magmatism was related to attempted rifting of Rodinia between 870 and 840 Ma.