The Volyn continental flood basalt province is situated on the western margin of the East European platform and constitutes a significant portion of the passive continental margin sequence formed along the Trans-European Suture Zone in response to Rodinia break-up in the Neoproterozoic. In Ukraine, the volcanogenic sequence is subdivided into suites called Zabolottya, Babyne and Ratne,which together with the lowermost terrigeneous Gorbashy suite comprise the Volyn series. Magmatic zircons from one high-Ti basalt sample yielded an age of 573 ± 14 Ma, whereas grains isolated from a rhyolitic dacite yielded an age of 571 ± 13 Ma. Baddeleyite from the olivine dolerite sample gave an older 206Pb/238U age of 626 ± 17 Ma, whereas the 207Pb/206Pb weighted average age of 567 ± 61 Ma is close to the zircon ages. Zircons separated from the other basaltic samples are much older and crystallized at c. 1290, 1470, 1820-1860, 1930-2050 and 2660 Ma. Ages in the 1820-1860 and 1930-2050 Ma time spans correspond to the ages of the Precambrian basement that underlies the Volyn province. However, the sources for the 1290, 1470 and 2660 Ma zircons are unknown, and these zircons must have been derivedfrom more distal areas.