The middle Miocene climate transition (MMCT) was a phase of global cooling possibly linked to decreasing levels of atmospheric CO2. The MMCT coincided with the European Mammal Faunal Zone MN6. From this time, important biogeographic links between Anatolia and eastern Africa include the hominid Kenyapithecus. Vertebrate fossils suggested mixed open and forested landscapes under (sub)tropical seasonal climates for Anatolia. Here, we infer the palaeoclimate during the MMCT and the succeeding cooling phase for a middle Miocene (14.8–13.2 Ma) of an intramontane basin in southwestern Anatolia using three2palaeobotanical proxies: (i) Köppen signatures based on the nearest-living-relative principle. (ii) Leaf physiognomy analysed with the Climate Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (CLAMP). (iii) Genus-level biogeographic affinities of fossil floras with modern regions. The three proxies reject tropical climates for the MMCT of southwestern Anatolia and instead infer warm temperate C climates. Köppen signatures reject summer-dry Cs climates but cannot discriminate between fully humid Cf and winter-dry Cw; CLAMP reconstructs Cf climate based on the low X3.wet/X3.dry ratio. Additionally, we assess whether the palaeobotanical record does resolve transitions from the warm Miocene Climatic Optimum (MCO, 16.8–14.7 Ma) into the MMCT (14.7–13.9 Ma), and a more pronounced cooling at 13.9–13.8 Ma, as reconstructed from benthic stable isotope data. For southwestern Anatolia, we find that arboreal taxa predominate in MCO floras (MN5), whereas in MMCT floras (MN6) abundances of arboreal and non-arboreal elements strongly fluctuate indicating higher structural complexity of the vegetation. Our data show a distinct pollen zone between MN6 and MN7+8 dominated by herbaceous taxa. The boundary MN6 and MN7+8, roughly corresponding to a first abrupt cooling at 13.9–13.8 Ma, possibly might be associated with this herb-rich pollen zone.
We here investigate the spatial and temporal variability of eolian dust particle sorting recorded in the Dome B (77 05 S, 94 55 E) ice core, central East Antarctica, during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 2. We address the question whether such changes reflect variable transport pathways from a unique source area or rather a variable apportionment from diverse Southern Hemisphere sources transported at different elevation in the troposphere. The Sr-Nd radiogenic isotope composition of glacial dust samples as well as single-particle Raman mineralogy support the hypothesis of a single dust provenance both for coarse and fine mode dust events at Dome B. The southern South American provenance of glacial dust in Antarctica deduced from these results indicate a dust composition coherent with a mixture of volcanic material and minerals derived from metamorphic and plutonic rocks. Additionally, Dome B glacial samples contain aragonite particles along with diatom valves of marine benthic/epiphytic species and freshwater species living today in the northern Antarctic Peninsula and southern South America. These data suggest contribution from the exposed Patagonian continental shelf and glacial outwash plains of southern Patagonia at the time when sea level reached its minimum. Our results confirm that dust sorting is controlled by the relative intensity of the two main patterns of tropospheric dust transport onto the inner Plateau, i.e. fast low-level advection and long-range high-altitude transport including air subsidence over Antarctica.
The Eocene–Oligocene transition (EOT) was a climate shift from a largely ice-free greenhouse world to an icehouse climate, involving the first major glaciation of Antarctica and global cooling occurring ∼ 34 million years ago (Ma) and lasting ∼ 790 kyr. The change is marked by a global shift in deep-sea δ18O representing a combination of deep-ocean cooling and growth in land ice volume. At the same time, multiple independent proxies for ocean tempera- ture indicate sea surface cooling, and major changes in global fauna and flora record a shift toward more cold-climate- adapted species. The two principal suggested explanations of this transition are a decline in atmospheric CO2 and changes to ocean gateways, while orbital forcing likely influenced the precise timing of the glaciation. Here we review and synthesise proxy evidence of palaeogeography, temperature, ice sheets, ocean circulation and CO2 change from the marine and terrestrial realms. Furthermore, we quantitatively com- pare proxy records of change to an ensemble of climate model simulations of temperature change across the EOT. The simulations compare three forcing mechanisms across the EOT: CO2 decrease, palaeogeographic changes and ice sheet growth. Our model ensemble results demonstrate the need for a global cooling mechanism beyond the imposition of an ice sheet or palaeogeographic changes. We find that CO2 forcing involving a large decrease in CO2 of ca. 40 % (∼ 325 ppm drop) provides the best fit to the available proxy evidence, with ice sheet and palaeogeographic changes play- ing a secondary role. While this large decrease is consistent with some CO2 proxy records (the extreme endmember of decrease), the positive feedback mechanisms on ice growth are so strong that a modest CO2 decrease beyond a critical threshold for ice sheet initiation is well capable of triggering rapid ice sheet growth. Thus, the amplitude of CO2 decrease signalled by our data–model comparison should be consid- ered an upper estimate and perhaps artificially large, not least because the current generation of climate models do not in- clude dynamic ice sheets and in some cases may be under- sensitive to CO2 forcing. The model ensemble also cannot exclude the possibility that palaeogeographic changes could have triggered a reduction in CO2.
The end-Triassic event (ETE), a short global interval occurring at the end of the Triassic Period (~201.5 Ma), was characterized by climate change, environmental upheaval, as well as widespread extinctions in both the marine and terrestrial realms. It was associated with extensive perturbations of the carbon cycle, principally caused by the volcanic emplacement of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province in relation to the break-up of Pangea. The correlated change in atmospheric CO2 concentrations (pCO2) can be reconstructed with the stomatal proxy, which utilizes the inverse relationship between stomatal densities of plant leaves (here stomatal index (SI), which is the percentage of stomata relative to epidermal cells) and pCO2. Fossilized Lepidopteris leaves are common and widespread in Triassic strata, thus offering great potential for high-resolution pCO2 reconstructions. A dataset of leaf cuticle specimens belonging to the seed fern species Lepidopteris ottonis from sedimentary successions in Skåne (Scania), southern Sweden, provided the possibility of pCO2 reconstruction at the onset of the ETE. Here, we tested the intra- and interleaf variability of L. ottonis SI, and estimated the pCO2 during the onset of the ETE. Our findings confirm L. ottonis as a valid proxy for palaeo-pCO2, also when using smaller leaf fragments. Importantly, the statistical analyses showed that the SI values of abaxial and adaxial cuticles are significantly different, providing a tool to distinguish between the two sides and select cuticles for analysis. Reconstructed pCO2 increased from ~1000 pre ETE to ~1300 ppm at the onset of the event, a significant increase of ~30% over a relatively short time period. The pCO2 recorded here is similar to previously published estimates, and strongly supports the observed pattern of elevated pCO2 at the onset of the ETE.
To improve future predictions of anthropogenic climate change, a better understanding of the relationship between global temperature and atmospheric concentrations of CO2 (pCO2), or climate sensitivity, is urgently required. Analyzing proxy data from climate change episodes in the past is necessary to achieve this goal, with certain geologic periods, such as the Miocene climatic optimum (MCO), a transient period of global warming with global temperatures up to ~7°C higher than today, increasingly viewed as good analogues to future climate under present emission scenarios. However, a problem remains that climate models cannot reproduce MCO temperatures with less than ~800 ppm pCO2, while most previously published proxies record pCO2 < 450 ppm. Here, we reconstructed MCO pCO2 with a multitaxon fossil leaf database from the well‐dated MCO Lagerstätte deposits of Clarkia, Idaho, USA, using four current methods of pCO2 reconstructions. The methods are principally based on either stomatal densities, carbon isotopes, or a combination of both—thus offering independent results. The total of six reconstructions mostly record pCO2 of ~450–550 ppm. Although slightly higher than previously reconstructed pCO2, the discrepancy with the ~800 ppm required by climate models remains. We conclude that climate sensitivity was heightened during MCO, indicating that highly elevated temperatures can occur at relatively moderate pCO2. Ever higher climate sensitivity with rising temperatures should be very seriously considered in future predictions of climate change.
To understand Earth ́s climate variability and improve predictions of future climate change, studying past climates is an important avenue to explore. A previously published record of pCO2, across the Triassic– Jurassic boundary (TJB, ~201 Ma) of East Greenland, showed that Bennettitales (Anamozamites and Pterophyllum) responded in parallel to the empirically proven pCO2-responders Ginkgoales, reducing their stomatal densities by half across the TJB, indicating a transient doubling of pCO2. The abundance of fossil Bennettitales in Mesozoic strata and natural history museum collections worldwide offers enormous potential for further stomatal proxy pCO2 reconstructions, but a suitable nearest living equivalent (NLE) should ideally first be identified for this extinct plant group. Using specimens from herbarium collections, three species of cycads, historically considered the best NLE, were tested for pCO2 response, as well as two species of tree ferns, grown in experimental growth chambers. None responded to changes in pCO2, and were consequently rejected as NLEs. Finally, two species of ferns were selected from the literature, and produced very similar pCO2 compared to Ginkgoales. However, these understory ferns are not appropriate NLEs for Bennettitales due to differences in habitat and a distant evolutionary relationship. Future work should test additional plant groups, in particular seed plants such as basal angiosperms and Gnetales, for suitability as NLE for Bennettitales in pCO2 reconstructions, for example through biogeo- chemical fingerprinting using infrared microspectroscopy. Until an appropriate NLE is identified, Bennettitales pCO2 can be reconstructed based on cross-calibration of stomatal densities with those of co-occurring pCO2 responders, such as Ginkgoales.