The genus Otidea is one of the more conspicuous members of the Pyronemataceae, with high speciesdiversity in hemiboreal and boreal forests. The genus is morphologically coherent and in previous higher-level multigeneanalyses it formed a highly supported monophyletic group. Species delimitation within Otidea is controversialand much confusion has prevailed in the naming of taxa. To provide a phylogenetic hypothesis of Otidea, elucidatespecies diversity and limits we compiled a four-gene dataset including the nuclear LSU rDNA and three nuclearprotein-coding genes (RPB1, RPB2 and EF-1α) for 89 specimens (total 4 877 nucleotides). These were selected froma larger sample of material studied using morphology and 146 ITS (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) and 168 LSU rDNA sequencesto represent the full genetic diversity. Using genealogical concordance phylogenetic species recognition (GCPSR),Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses of the individual datasets resolved 25 species of Otidea. An additionaleight singletons are considered to be distinct species, because they were genetically divergent from their sisters.Sequences of multiple genes were included from 13 holotypes, one neotype and three epitypes. Otidea angusta,O. myosotis and O. papillata f. pallidefurfuracea are nested within O. nannfeldtii, O. leporina and O. tuomikoskii,respectively and are considered synonyms. Otidea cantharella var. minor is shown to be a distinct species. Fivenew species were discovered: O. oregonensis and O. pseudoleporina for North America; and O. borealis, O. brunneoparvaand O. subformicarum for Europe. The analyses of the individual four gene datasets yielded phylogeniesthat were highly concordant topologically, except for the RPB1 that showed supported conflict for some nodes inBayesian analysis. Excluding the RPB1 from the combined analyses produced an identical topology to the four-genephylogeny, but with higher support for several basal nodes and lower support for several shallow nodes. We argueto use the three-gene dataset to retrieve the maximum support for the higher-level relationships in Otidea, but stillutilise the signal from the RPB1 for the delimitation and relationships of closely related species. From the four generegions utilised, EF-1α and RPB1 have the strongest species recognition power, and with higher amplification successEF-1α may serve as the best secondary barcoding locus for Otidea (with ITS being a primary). The phylogenyfrom the three- and four-gene datasets is fully resolved and strongly supported in all branches but one. Two majorclades, as part of six inclusive clades A–F, are identified – and ten subclades within these: A) O. platyspora andO. alutacea subclades, and B) O. papillata, O. leporina, O. tuomikoskii, O. cantharella, O. formicarum, O. unicisa,O. bufonia-onotica and O. concinna subclades. Morphological features in Otidea appear to be fast evolving andprone to shifts, and are poor indicators of higher-level relationships. Nevertheless, a conspicuous spore ornament isa synapomorphy for the O. unicisa subclade (/Otideopsis); all other species in Otidea have smooth or verruculose (inSEM) spores. Exclusively pale to bright yellow apothecia and straight to curved, broadly clavate to distinctly capitateparaphyses are synapomorphies for a restricted O. concinna subclade (/Flavoscypha). The curved to hooked apicesof the paraphyses is suggested to be a symplesiomorphic trait for the genus. The reaction of resinous exudateson the outermost excipular cells that coalesce into amber drops in Melzer’s reagent is likely an ancestral state forclade B. We estimate that Otidea consists of 47 species worldwide, based on all available information (includingmorphology, ITS or LSU sequences, and literature descriptions). Three fifths of the species occur in Europe, with20 species recognised as endemic. At least 14 species occur in North America and 17 in Asia, with eight and tenspecies considered endemic to each continent, respectively. Our knowledge about Otidea in Asia is still fragmentaryand the diversity likely much higher.