Subshrubs (Valdivia), shrubs or small trees. Leaves alternate, exstipulate, simple, entire, crenulate, or serrate to biserrate. Inflorescence axillary or terminal racemes, sometimes panicles, many-flowered (up to 800 flowers in some Escallonia), few-flowered (Anopterus, Forgesia, Valdiviaand some Escallonia), or flowers solitary (some Escallonia). Flowers bisexual, rarely unisexual, actinomorphic, hypogynous to epigynous; sepals fused, 5(−9), persistent; petals free, 5(−9), imbricate, rarely valvate; nectary disk present, epigynous; stamens 5(−9), alternipetalous; filaments free; anthers basifixed or versatile, bisporangiate, introrse to extrorse; ovary of 2(−5) united carpels, inferior to superior, 1–3(−5)-locular, placentation parietal; ovules numerous to few; styles simple or two more or less separate stylodia (Anopterus, Forgesia); stigma capitate, 2–5-lobed. Fruits capsular, septicidal, opening from the top, rarely from the base (Escallonia), or indehiscent (Valdivia), with many to few seeds.